For the love of archery!

My first introductions to archery were Errol Flynn, and Daffy Duck. I was four or five years old and both seemed really cool at the time. And as long as I can remember, to this day, watching an arrow fly is pure MAGIC!

But I got my first real bow when I was seven, a Bear 76er, and I still have and shoot it. That said, I started early in archery but I’m self taught. I love figuring things out for myself. If I find a video of a well shot arrow I will watch it over and over… the spin… the trajectory… MAGIC!

At 42 I took up deer hunting with a compound bow. I had never hunted before, but having been told by a Doctor that venison, is a superior red meat for us (more on that another time), I decided to give it a try. And I am glad I did. Both my wife and I love it. The whole process of hunting, preparing, and eating it!

For my first two seasons I hunted exclusively with a compound bow. Then I bought a crossbow. But I never found joy in shooting either. They are great for hunting, precise machines for the work. But I enjoy the challenge as much as the harvest. So, eventually I decided to train hard and hunt exclusively with my traditional bows. I set my mind to get a deer with Dad’s bow, in his honor. I was able to do that in the 2021 season.

As for the trick shots… the first one I saw a was of someone hitting two swinging bottles as they intersected. I was in “AWE.” That inspired me to get my first slo-mo capable camera phone and shoot an egg at 15 yards. It was so satisfying, and once again I was hooked… and the rest is <my> history.

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