How I Learned About Mountain MAN: ULTIMATE MARKSMAN

I watch my share of competition reality shows… Alone, Dude Your Screwed, Tracker Man, Forged In Fire, and even Blown Away. I’m not a fan of drama, but I am a fan of skill. Back in the day, I also watched a show on the History Channel called “Top Shot” – you might remember it. This show was, however, not simply about skill – these competitors had to live together in teams which led to a lot of interpersonal “stuff.”

Over the years I have received a few IM’s and Emails about being on reality shows. My first reaction was… SCAM ALERT! My next was, if this is real, I’m not in for the that “Top Shot” style. I don’t want to be in conflict, or with my competitors 24/7. So those communications got ignored for a while. Until this year. This year we decided to vet the person/production company before deleting. And guess what? It was legit – credits and all! Maybe I was ready for a change, or a new adventure, but at that point I decided to say “yes,” until and unless it was time to say “no.” Which, interestingly, didn’t happen.

So after about 25 emails, several ZOOM interviews, a dozen video submissions, and a psych evaluation, I was almost ready to board a plane. First I would needed to get from 85% to 100% approved, pass a COVID test (I got COVID 3 weeks before filming!), and learn how to shoot a new type of Bow. No biggie. It all worked out in the end.

Think Big. Aim Small.

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